Baby Mobiles
While there is a difference of opinions in the efficiency of baby mobile colors/shapes/materials etc. and what combination of those you should choose for your precious little one, studies show, that
Beyond providing stimulation, mobiles appear to aid in the development of memory and the understanding of cause and effect. *
This blog post is not about arguing in favor or against this statement but as we know, there is a wide variety of baby mobiles out there on the market; mostly impersonal and mass produced. I’d like to show that nothing compares to a custom made, personalized (either to the parents’ style or the baby’s room’s theme) baby mobile that is stimulating, cute and safe at the same time. A quality, handmade mobile is not just there for the baby’s viewing and developing pleasure, it becomes an organic part of its room while beautifying it.
I’ve crafted mobiles from simple to complex in a variety of themes: seashells, clowns, animals, clouds, flowers, butterflies, fairies etc. My main material is paper but I’ve used branches, wooden sticks, shells, fabric, cotton etc, too. (it is understood that you would NOT put a mobile made from brunches over the crib of the baby! Only the lightest and/or softest of materials can go there.)
«Bell» baby mobile
So, a couple of years ago, my husband’s friend and co-worker had a baby boy and because it wasn’t their first they had pretty much everything they needed. So, what do you gift baby and parents, when there’s no need for new clothes, blankets, books, bottles, gadgets etc? Something handmade! Like a baby mobile that goes with his room and soothes the eye after an eventful play-session! Though I used only baby-blue and white colors, the variety of materials makes it interesting to the eye. The bells are attached with fishing line to a plastic ring (I try to avoid plastic altogether but it was necessary for its small weight). Gauze, string, ribbon, beads and small charms are hanging from the inside of the bells not really making a sound but helping the bells slightly move in the air.
«Bird» baby mobile
More recently, I had the joy to craft a baby mobile for a friend that became a parent for the first time. For the parents, with all the excitement for the newborn, also comes uncertainty, fatigue and the overwhelming need to do the best they can. That’s the best reason for me to do MY best, when it comes to something I’ll be making for their baby!
This «Bird» baby mobile has gender neutral but fun colors and patterns and as the air circulates around it the birds “fly” around the moon! The contraption is so light it’s only hanging on a thread.
If you’re a new parent CONGRATULATION! I’m extremely happy for you. You should join our mailing list, there will be future blog posts about organizing baptism events, birthday parties, masquerade parties, Easter egg-hunts, etc. and eventually a graduation party too! (I know, I’m waaaay ahead of myself but still… you’ll need and use this information in the future so it’s a win-win!)
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Your very own fairy
*Rovee-Collier CK, Gekoski MJ. The economics of infancy: a review of conjugate reinforcement. In: Reese HW, Lipsitt LP, eds. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol 13. New York, NY: Academic Press; 1979:195–255.