The period before Christmas is my favorite. All the anticipation, the preparations... it's Christmas music playing everywhere, my whole house smells of cinnamon, cranberries, and citrus fruits, and it's cold, oh-so-cold with a bright sun...just the best!
Read MoreThe best friend of my little daughter (and when I say best friend I mean they are joined by the hip!) celebrated her 13th birthday. I made her a word-art card using my Cameo and a cupcake box from Svgcuts' Happy Birthday kit.
Read MoreDecember is just around the corner which brings the culmination of the holiday season into focus. Store windows are decked with Christmas decorations, pastry shops fill the air with scents of seasonal sweets, the weather seems to catch up to its norm (in Athens/Greece the weather was uncharacteristically mild for November), radio stations have Christmas songs on a loop and full-force preparations are being made in every home.
Read MoreTo round up summer and start the new school year off good (and cos both my girls have name days in September) I baked 6 dozen cupcakes and made with the help of the girls as many not-so-little milk carton treat-holders to house the cupcakes (we needed so many because except schoolmates they treated the teachers and the dance-class too).
Read MoreHAPPY NEW YEAR! I left you with promises of more to come but I - as I suspect everybody- got caught in Christmas preparations, which means I was diligently working on the "more" part just haven't got any time to post it! I need to work on my time management this year...
Read MoreMy favorite time of the year...and I'm sure I'm not alone with this feeling. I have so many ideas, goals for this holiday season that I feel I'm already behind. Gifts, cards, tags, decoration for the wreath, garland, the swag for the front door and of course the Christmas tree!
Read MoreMany projects in the making for Christmas, as in all kinds of treat-boxes, hanging and free-standing ornaments, centerpieces and home-decor to brighten up the gloomy days. Also all through Spring/Summer/Fall I was making gifts for birthdays and other occasions, like the graduation cap box I made for my darling "Little Sister's" graduation from the University
Read MoreIn my family music always played an important role. I went to a music-oriented school from the very beginning till graduation; played the piano and was singing in the school's choir. I got to see half of Europe with that choir and loved every second of singing with others together whether it was in a church, by a camp-fire or a concert-hall! My older daughter falling in my footsteps also plays the piano and is singing in the Children's Choir of Kodaly Conservatory in Athens, Greece
Read MoreNo, I'm not going to nor coming back from Paris but I loved the Eiffel-tower box file from SVGCuts Amelie's accessories so much I wanted to make it for someone. I hope my cousin, Stella (who will get the box filled with goodies for her birthday), will get to go someday and see the real Eiffel tower for herself!
Read MoreI have a really long list of gifts to craft and my time alone and undisturbed is coming to an end soon (tho that doesn't mean I'll stop crafting of course!) I still need to make a god head-start on some Christmas projects too.
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