«Create a Memorable Event» Series - Choose your People
The next step in organizing a successful and memorable event is choosing a team that will make sure that your vision will come to life. As awesomely organized and creative you might be, nobody establishes an event on his/her own. The contribution of others not just lifts some weight, in form of responsibilities, off of your shoulders but they are awesome sounding-boards and give you feedback while still in the planning process so mistakes and overlooked details can be corrected.
In case of smaller events this team might consist of only one or two people that’ll help in decorating or shopping for the event etc. If you are the host/hostess of the event you’ll want everything to go smoothly but you can’t be two places at once. You won’t be able to enjoy your own party if you have to run and put out a (figurative) fire somewhere! From the early stages of planning until after the event you’ll need the help of volunteers (or professionals) that you can trust will get their respective jobs done. Even for smaller events you can outsource jobs like:
clean up
and other aspects of a party. People you might want to consider “hiring“ for these jobs are those who are close to you, like friends and family; you might want to «take advantage» of those who have a specific skill-set, like someone who is a good cook or someone who is tech savvy and can play music like a DJ etc.
When organizing bigger social events, you -as the host/hostess- CAN NOT assume all responsibilities because some will require specific technical skills, for some you might need licence or permit and when all is said and done your objective is to enjoy the party, to take care of your guests and not to problem-solve; leave those roles and responsibilities to professionals for effective results. You can do this two ways:
you might want to keep the reins in your hand by delegating the main aspects of the event (like catering, entertainment, security) to professionals but still communicating with the vendors directly. That means you might be interrupted to make a last-minute decision, take care of an emergency etc.
you can hire an event coordinator who will be in touch with all the vendors and will make decisions based on what you agreed upon without bothering you while the event is ongoing, so you can mingle and enjoy the party!
In any case, taking on all responsibilities that go with organizing an event is too much for just one person. My suggestion is surround yourself with the right people (may them be friends/family or professionals) and not just the planning/organizing process will go down without a hitch but the event itself will be successful and memorable for all!
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Thank you very much for spending your time with me.
Your very own fairy,
Tünde - Nefeli